Since it has been warm Jackson and I have been taking daily walks. Most of the time this ends with Jackson falling asleep on the walk, which works out great.
On Friday me, Sarah and Jackson went up to Atlanta to visit Andrew at work. We went and ate lunch at The New Yorker Deli (an Uncle Mark favorite) and it was delicious! We had so much fun eating lunch. After lunch we drove back to Andrew's work so that we could see some of his coworkers. Jackson had fun seeing everyone. Once we warmed up he was a HAM! He brought everyone a little sunshine! Jackson liked spending time in Andrew's office and Jackson fell in love with daddy's calculator...maybe we have a little financial analyst like Daddy:)
After we visited Andrew at work we went to IKEA to do a little shopping. Aunt Sarah bought the whole store! (I'm teasing you Sarah) She got some really great stuff that she had been looking to buy for a while! We did have a small adventure at IKEA. One of Jackson's favorite toys is a little ROO (from Winnie the Pooh) that he got from his Aunt Sarah. He is a small bath toy that Jackson likes to carry around everywhere. Well he had ROO with him yesterday and of course he dropped it and didn't realize it. When we did realize it was missing we back tracked and Super Aunt Sarah actually found it! After that ROO went in my purse not to return until we got home..... We got home safely and had a wonderful Friday night together. I guess we wore Jackson out because he passed out around 8:30 and didn't wake up until 7:30 this morning! Whew! Today I think we are going to work out in the yard and spend the day outside!
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