Friday, October 10, 2008

Great Vacation Day!

Today Andrew took a vacation day! It was great having him home when he didn't have to work or do anything but things he wanted to do. So far the day has been great. I had to get up early to go to the doctor. Everything is good except my doctor has scheduled an ultrasound for the end of this month. I still have swelling from my surgery back last December when I had my cyst and ovary removed. So she just wants to make sure everything is okay. She thought it may be a small hernia but we shall see. Now she has prescribed me to do more abdominal exercises...oh joy just what I love! Anyway Andrew stayed with Jackson while I went to the doctor. When I got back we went to Chick-fila for lunch. There we got to finally try out Jackson's portable highchair strap on thingie. It worked great, he loved it, but for me it was hard to get out. So I will only use it if someone is with me b/c I couldn't hold Jackson and fix the chair! He LOVED it though!
Then we went to Target to get more formula and dog food and some wedding gifts for peeps. It seems like that is all we do now is go to wedding showers and baby showers! After that I got to show Andrew the Red Door Consignments. He liked it. We got Jackson new Gap jeans and a new pair of striped pants...tooooo cute!

Then we came home and our garage door wouldn't open. So come to find out a spring broke and we are waiting for the garage door repair guy...another unexpected cost, oh joy! Well, Jackson walked in his walker outside while Andrew cut some wood with his chainsaw.

He is now jumping his heart out so he can get tired and take a nap!!!!

Oh, I forgot, the airshow is happening this weekend so it sounds like we are being invaded! The planes are so close to our house its crazy! But while we were on our back porch watching the planes we spotted this spider eeekkk!

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